Gov. John Kasich of Ohio responded forcefully tam trang da o tphcm on Monday to a claim by Senator Marco Rubio’s campaign that Mr. Kasich had no realistic way to win the Republican presidential nomination. Mr. Kasich burst out laughing when asked about the Rubio campaign’s analysis, which dia chi nang mui cua sao viet amounted to a suggestion that Mr. Kasich should clear the way for Mr. Rubio. “I think it’s funny,” he told reporters. “I think it’s ridiculous.” “I’m real,” he said, “and maybe sometimes I might say something that isn’t artfully said as well as it should be, but, you know, I’m kind of a real guy, and I think people want authenticity, and I’m going to continue to be authentic, and every once in a while I’ll have to go back and make sure people know what I really mean when I say something.” Mr. Kasich, who has received less attention than some other Republican candidates, said the criticism on Monday suggested that “somebody’s listening out there” to him. He added that he does not “take orders from K Street.” “I’ve challenged the establishment Mr. Kasich also complained that he had not received much coverage from the news media until recently. “You people would have taken bets, you never tam trang da o dau an toan would have bet on me,” he told reporters. “And here’s another dia chi nang mui o can tho thing: You gave me no coverage. For a year, you ignored me. And now all the sudden people are beginning to hear me, and I’m going to continue to talk. So how do you like that?” Mr. Kasich was also asked if he would be interested in being on a ticket with Mr. Rubio, a pairing that one of their former opponents, Senator Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, suggested would be formidable, regardless of who had which spot. “Sure,” Mr. Kasich said. “If he wants to run for vice president with me, that’d be great.” Find out what you need to know about the 2016 presidential race today, and get politics news updates via Facebook, Twitter and dia chi nang mui tai can tho the First Draft newsletter. my entire career, and they don’t like it,” Mr. Kasich said after holding a town-hall-style forum here at George Mason University. “They want to get somebody they can be comfortable with.” Mr. Rubio’s campaign released a memo on Sunday that said Mr. Kasich “has no path to the nomination.” Mr. Kasich has made a point of not criticizing other candidates, and he made sure to note he was not “disparaging” Mr. Rubio. But he noted that Mr. tam trang da o dau tot nhat Rubio had finished in fifth place in New Hampshire, compared with his second-place showing. And he seemed to draw a contrast with Mr. Rubio, who has been criticized as being overly scripted, by describing the forum he held here. “I didn’t have a script, I didn’t have a teleprompter, I took robust numbers of questions, and that’s what I’m going to continue to do,” Mr. Kasich said. Indeed, Mr. Kasich drew criticism with a comment he made about how, decades ago, he first won election to the State Legislature in Ohio with the help of “women who left their kitchens” to campaign for him.